Casper and Fauntleroy 20
Inside the belly of the giant fish, Fauntleroy finds an elaborately decorated room. Who is behind this marvel, and what lies in store for our pointy-headed hero?
The Acceptance of Loss, Part I
It quickly became obvious then that Kerouac was not seeking to provide an account of what America was, but what, when experienced with a pure and almost a pre-religious heart, it still could be…
Brain Drops 7
They say that time is relative, and there’s never enough of it. That’s certainly true when it comes to the most important meal of the day!
Casper and Fauntleroy 19
The sea is home to many strange creatures, and not all of them have Fauntleroy’s best interest at heart. Is this really the end for our beloved hero?
SIEN EN TRILCE (II): Homenaje a César Vallejo
Caesura presenta los siguientes extractos como anticipo del dossier Sien en Trilce, en memoria de los 100 años del poemario Trilce (1922) de César Vallejo.
Disjecta Membra: Robert Schumann on Beethoven
After a century of deafness to the task and ambition of music, composers may need to relearn how to learn before Schumann’s words can even begin to make sense. How can the music of the past free the music of the present?
Casper and Fauntleroy 18
Last time we saw Fauntleroy he was pushed off the edge of his ship and into the ocean! For someone like Fauntleroy, however, this is just a new opportunity for adventure!
Brain Drops 6
Inspiration may be all around us, but it doesn’t always seem that way for comics artists. At least we can always depend on our friends for good advice!
Poetry: Aaron Fagan
Fagan’s poems ask us what kind of attention we pay to the world and if that attention pays off, whether or not the world pays us back with a measure of truth.
Interview with Patrick Zapien
“From the artist’s perspective, it's the case that all art has to be a reconsideration of art history. Every artwork, in order to find its originality, has to reconsider all of art history.”
Casper and Fauntleroy 17
Casper’s odyssey through a barren landscape brings him into contact with a small frog. Is this another foe, or has Casper found an unlikely ally?
Brain Drops 5
What’s the scariest thing you can think of? If you answered a shadowy figure silently watching you in the shower, then you’re way off!
Anvil and Rose 12
For Anvil and Rose 12, Inspector Watt returns with reviews of books from Paul Celan (tr. Pierre Joris), Jean Daive (on Celan), Alen Hamza, Lara Mimosa Montes, and a COVID anthology edited by Alice Quinn.
Vanguardia // Alex Verdolini
… the most important episode in the history of Nicaraguan poetry was the formation of the Vanguardia group, one of the last of the interwar avant-gardes and the only one to emerge in Central America.
Poems by Jack Clarke
Jack’s poetry asks you, the reader, to abandon yourself, to engage with what you don’t know, and can’t understand, and enter a path of transformative gnosis.
Casper and Fauntleroy 16
As Casper continues to deal with obstacles in his path, more and more keep appearing. Mechanical problems are one thing, but hecklers? They’re the last thing he needs!