Brain Drops 4
Who doesn’t love the pretty song tweeted out by birds? Their renters, that’s who!
Anvil and Rose 11
In this latest Anvil and Rose, Herman Van den Reeck reviews books from Rosebud Ben-Oni, Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley, Andres Cerpa, Andrew Levy, and Jackie Wang.
Sien en trilce: Homenaje a César Vallejo
Caesura presenta los siguientes extractos como anticipo del dossier Sien en Trilce, en memoria de los 100 años del poemario Trilce (1922) de César Vallejo, de pronta aparición en la edición nº 22 de la revista Mar con soroche
Casper and Fauntleroy 15
The path that adventurer’s take is full of twists, turns, and (as Casper learns this week) rocks!
Brain Drops 3
The stories we tell each other make up the foundation of who we are. Whether those stories are true or not might matter less than we think!
The Anatomy of the Image
The experience is absolute; a demonstration is made of the presence of an incomplete reality to which its image is opposed by the intervention of a motor element condensing the real and the virtual into a superior unity.
Returning to The Dreamlife of Angels
Art, that great teacher, says to us, like Robert Frost’s most famous lines, “Here are your waters and your watering place. / Drink and be whole again beyond confusion.”
Casper and Fauntleroy 14
Casper’s quest has brought him into contact with many strange characters, but this might be the strangest of them all!
Garfield minus garfield plus a german shepherd who’s horny for jon 10
Has happiness finally found German, or is it too good to be true?
Casper and Fauntleroy 13
Sunday is Fauntleroy’s day to relax and take it easy, but this week fate has something quite different in store for him!
Bloom’s Last Word
“We hear the intuitive Bloom, the open and receptive reader, the brooder and fabulous conversation partner, talking and chuckling, searching and scowling; we see him rubbing his brow and thinking aloud…”
Anvil and Rose 10
In this latest Anvil and Rose, Inspector Watt reviews books by Agustín Guambo, David Lehman, J. Michael Martinez, Maureen N. McLane, and Chelsey Minnis.