Kanye West: Donda
In the world of Donda, West wants to treat pop culture as a religion, a place where sinners (abusers, lawbreakers, and killers) have the opportunity for redemption if they want it.
Casper and Fauntleroy 32
The Cave King takes Casper and Fauntleroy to see a special crystal of his. What he reveals about his relation to their friend the Chemist, however, presents issues for our heroes.
Eight Poems from “From A Winter Notebook”
Eight poems from Matvei Yankelevich’s cycle From a Winter Notebook, accompanied by Hannah Whitaker’s photographs.
Brain Drops 19
One generation ago, the Internet was a very different place. What was cool then might get your kids in trouble today, and not in the way you might think!
Casper and Fauntleroy 31
No sooner have Casper and Fauntleroy entered the caves than they are face to face with the Cave King himself! Will this monarch prove a friend…or a foe?
Franca Mancinelli // John Taylor
The act of writing, as Mancinelli conceives of it, takes her into her darkroom, a “place of the unknown, where [her] demons nestle [and her] most tenacious and impenetrable shadows [can be found].”
Poetry: Michael Heller
Deliver what? Deliver truth? Deliver us? For a poet engaged in composing “the secular word,” there is something disturbingly messianic about Heller’s vision.
Claudia Masin // Robin Myers
Selections from Intact (2018) by Claudia Masin, translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers.
Casper and Fauntleroy 30
Rocketing through caves and over pits, Casper and Fauntleroy begin properly begin their adventure together.
Brain Drops 18
They say entering a new chapter of your life can be transformative. As Ruby notes, however, that transformation can be anything but easy…or predictable!
Apocalyptic Vision: Poems by Ronnie Burk
He was not a literary artist in the sense that his work doesn’t seem to wrestle with questions of form; he’s not attempting to reinvent the surrealist modes at his disposal but rather making use of them as vehicles for his insurgent imagination and apocalyptic vision, the fury of which elevates his writing above and beyond the mere assemblage of irrational word combinations.
When the Critics Saw
A work of art has never graced the cover of the journal October. Since the first issue was published in 1976, the front cover has only ever carried the journal’s allusive title, spelled out in large capitalised letters underneath the smaller italicised headings of ‘art’, ‘theory’, ‘criticism’ and ‘politics’ (in that order).
Casper and Fauntleroy 29
At long last: Casper and Fauntleroy are reunited! What lies in store for our heroes now that they are together?
Brain Drops 17
This week Ruby pulls back the curtain and shows her comics making process. Long story short? It ain’t easy.
June Journal
Today I begin in earnest. What does it matter that my thoughts are clouded? A light will shine through in the end.
The Comey Rule
How do we know something really happened unless it is recreated and simplified dramatically by a diverse ensemble cast, headed by Jeff Daniels, and captured on blue tinted film?