Disjecta Membra: Claude Lévi-Strauss & André Breton
Victor Cova introduces a 1941 exchange between Claude Lévi-Strauss and André Breton.
Surrealism’s Declining Years: An Interview with Monique Fong
Monique Fong discusses Surrealism with Erin Hagood.
René Char’s “Full of Tears” translated by Stuart Kendall
When the class that, unbeknownst to our age, we continue to attend, truly reaches its end, night falls on the self. What’s the use of clarifying it, full of tears?
On Art and Freedom
For moderns, art is the appearance of suffering from the unrealized potential of freedom, i.e., the appearance of freedom’s task.
Disjecta Membra: Mad Love by André Breton
As the artist, reaching deep into nothing, with nothing, and only for the sake of desire, creates something great, far beyond the imagined object of desire, fulfilling and exceeding every wish in a way which could never have been fully anticipated, so too does the lover encounter the beloved.
Poetry: Will Alexander
As the partisan of energy as a form of imagination, Will Alexander relentlessly critiques linear conceptions of cause and effect, along with all mechanistic modalities of thought and practice.
Review of Rough Song by Blanca Varela
From within Varela’s rough text, Lara extracts unexpected threads of forms, unarticulated rhythms and figures of speech that keep the metaphors together and yet, by the same token, undermine and fulfill Varela’s austere treatment.
Michel Leiris’s 1929 essay on the sculptor Alberto Giacometti, translated by Rainer Hanshe.