Raoul de Keyser: The Dialectical Freedom of Painting
Often, you'll hear a painter mutter enviously while looking at a painting something along the lines of ”Damn. He just did whatever the hell he wanted.” Variations of this phrase were doubtlessly uttered many times over the last month throughout the adjoining galleries of David Zwirner’s 19th Street location, where Raoul de Keyser’s paintings hang on the walls, their apparent haphazardness inoffensively contrasting with the sky-lit gallery space.
A Response to Adam Lehrer’s “The Limits of MAGA Art”
Today, there is really no urgency to reflect on Jon McNaughton’s body of work. Adam Lehrer’s recent article in Compact, “The Limits of MAGA Art,'' stakes this out clearly. There is much less danger to endorsing McNaughton in the midst of a failing Biden presidency than there was at the height of anti-Trump hysteria . . . Why address it at all then?
Donald Judd: Crisis of the Aesthetic
In his writings on cultural objects, Adorno self-consciously employed a prismatic and monadological method. The idea was to approach each cultural object as a monad, as a self-contained entity that, if viewed properly, could prismatically illuminate the character of the social totality. This essay seeks to apply a similar method to a work by Donald Judd: Untitled (1967).
Richard Diebenkorn: “Works on Paper” at L.A. Louver
Ken Collins’s portrait of Richard Diebenkorn, used to promote the recent L.A. Louver show of his works on paper, is peculiar in its emphasis on the distance between the camera and its subject . . .
Simon Dinnerstein and His Wings
“…the triptych painfully reminds us that the form today signifies a broken totality that can only be unified, at best, by an act of artistic creation.”
Crisis of Criticism
Why is it that so much writing on art today — ostensibly criticism — only skates on the surface of artworks, providing description, identifying a handful subjects and themes, maybe some precedents, and then a conclusion — or rather, an ending. The writing stops.
Sense and Non-Sense
The main problem that the artist encounters at work — the source of all their woes and triumphs — is that materials must be transformed: made to give what they cannot. Appearance is the mask of the true face beneath.
Painting as a Scaffold
The most recent idea that appeared to me, so insistently that I felt compelled to write it down, was of painting as a scaffold. This was related to an older idea of mine, of painting as a veil . . .
In Conversation with Elisa Jensen
Caesura editors Patrick Zapien and Gabriel Almeida talk to Elisa Jensen about her practice.
In Conversation with Jeane Cohen
Caesura editors Patrick Zapien and Gabriel Almeida talk to Jeane Cohen about her practice.
In Conversation with Peter Shear
On December 11, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Bloomington, Indiana-based painter Peter Shear.
In Conversation with Will Gabaldón
On November 20, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Chicago-based painter Will Gabaldón.
In Conversation with David Abbott
On November 13, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Bristol-based painter David Abbott.
Yesiyu Zhao’s ‘Journey to the West’ at David Castillo Gallery
Suzy V reviews Yesiyu Zhao's show "Journey to the West” at David Castillo Gallery in Miami.
Gala Porras-Kim: Correspondences towards the living object
Del O’Brien reviews Gala Porras-Kim's show "Correspondences towards the living object” at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis
Salman Toor & the Clown
Gabriel Almeida reviews Salman Toor's show "No Ordinary Love" at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
Edvard Munch: A Defense
“But what they do experience, artists will share. If the means of their art set limits, they will seek to move those limits.”