What was Post-Internet?: An Interview with Ann Hirsch and Parker Ito
“I wanted to connect to people who were like-minded but also saw this as a new frontier with a lot of possibilities for art making.”
A Dialogue on Music
Bret Schneider and Omair Hussain discuss musical composition and their albums Drunk Walks and What Goes Away.
The Unadorned Life is Not Worth Living
Genese Grill reviews Henry van de Velde: Selected Essays, 1889–1914.
In Conversation with Elisa Jensen
Caesura editors Patrick Zapien and Gabriel Almeida talk to Elisa Jensen about her practice.
In Conversation with Jeane Cohen
Caesura editors Patrick Zapien and Gabriel Almeida talk to Jeane Cohen about her practice.
Review of Ted Berrigan’s Get the Money! Collected Prose 1961–1983
Patrick James Dunagan reviews Ted Berrigan’s Collected Prose.
In Conversation with Peter Shear
On December 11, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Bloomington, Indiana-based painter Peter Shear.
The Novelist’s Film by Hong Sang-Soo
“The betrayal of artists by society, their commitment to achieve through their efforts historical feats of the imagination and the myriad ways in which these are undermined, represents the real content of the film.”
Nina Léger and Jean Daniélou: In conversation with Alix Le Méléder
This conversation of Alix Le Méléder with historian Nina Léger and philosopher Jean Daniélou originally took place at the artist’s home in Burgundy in the summer of 2015, four years after she had resolved to cease her activities as a painter.
In Conversation with Will Gabaldón
On November 20, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Chicago-based painter Will Gabaldón.
In Conversation with David Abbott
On November 13, 2022, Caesura editors Gabriel Almeida and Patrick Zapien hosted a live-streamed conversation with Bristol-based painter David Abbott.
Gide’s Looking Glass
Harris Wheless reviews Damion Searls’ new translation of André Gide’s “Marshlands.”
Yesiyu Zhao’s ‘Journey to the West’ at David Castillo Gallery
Suzy V reviews Yesiyu Zhao's show "Journey to the West” at David Castillo Gallery in Miami.
Gala Porras-Kim: Correspondences towards the living object
Del O’Brien reviews Gala Porras-Kim's show "Correspondences towards the living object” at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis
Salman Toor & the Clown
Gabriel Almeida reviews Salman Toor's show "No Ordinary Love" at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
Edvard Munch: A Defense
“But what they do experience, artists will share. If the means of their art set limits, they will seek to move those limits.”
The Noguchi Museum
Visiting the Noguchi Museum recently, I was struck by the difficulty of sculpture as art: how it's constrained by its physical presence to a degree that other media, like music, painting, and poetry, are not.
Warm Midlife Grooves
Kevin O’Rourke reviews the album Sons Of by Sam Prekop and John McEntire.
Apologia: Why Do We Write?
Genese Grill's introduction to her forthcoming essay collection, Portals (Splice).