The New Culture War?
The art world fails to see the election of Trump as anything more than terrifying repetition (albeit on steroids) of the Culture Wars. This points to an exhaustion of ideas.
R.I.P. The Cultural Turn, C. 1968-2016
If there's a reintroduction of politics (and not pseudo-political culture) in 2016 — something many of us have not seen in our lifetime — there will be a dramatic change in the way art is made in the coming years.
Contradiction and Possibility
The veil has been lifted on the sensually expressed neoliberal ideals of being alright.
“Political” Art: A Failed Project
Are we to accept that the field of artistic production — unique in its capacity to butt up against the world as it is and imagine a world as it should be — offers only an endorsement for a political stalwart?
Against the "Critical Criticism" of Culture: Towards an Aesthetics of Blindness
What role can criticism possibly play in completing works of art, or “fulfilling” them?
The Limits of Kitsch Criticism
Modern criticism developed when art became serious and demanded thought. Yet the vast majority of our culture today isn't meant to be seriously thought about.
To Take Up the Incomprehensible
In the end an artwork can teach us, as a form of social knowledge, about how we experience our own experience in the face of the total industrial domination of life and, of course, art.
Artworks: A Closed System?
Being ambitious about art criticism is really about trying to grasp what has not been grasped, even and especially by the artists themselves.
Taste and Transformation
The disintegration of art criticism does not have a single locus. But it does coincide with another decline: the decline of the political Left as an active force in the shaping of history.