Gluck and Vika 42
Failure of failures. Gluck and Vika’s adventure comes to an end…for now!
Gluck and Vika 41
Gluck turns a corner and encounters a challenge he’d never anticipated, revealing the true scale of his conflict. Will he give up…or find new strength?
Gluck and Vika 40
Breaking out of jail is something of a specialty for Gluck. Finding his way around an unfamiliar city isn’t hard either. What does Gluck struggle with? I’m glad you asked!
Gluck and Vika 39
In this special Christmas-tangential installment, Gluck and Vika sneak their way around Utrecht, stealing fish and whispering. See you all in 2023!
Gluck and Vika 38
When you find an altarpiece in the middle of the woods, what do you do? Eat, of course! Ash Wednesday comes to a close as our heroes plan their next move.
Gluck and Vika 37
There’s no prayer like the Lord’s Prayer, and while Vika’s reciting it Gluck has a fight on his hands! Can he overcome two armed combatants, all without making a sound? He’d better!
Gluck and Vika 36
It’s Ash Wednesday as our heroes enter a small town for supplies. Will they be able to work together, or will the whole thing go up in smoke…or both?
Gluck and Vika 35
Ultimate adventures depend on adventurous ultimatums. Will Vika agree to Gluck’s?
Gluck and Vika 34
Gluck and Vika set out to right wrongs on an incredible quest…how ridiculous is that? Can they suspend their own disbelief long enough to get this show on the road?
Gluck and Vika 33
Our story continues with an update from our divine creator, God! Ever wonder how humanity has lasted as long as it has? God has the answer!
Zuggy and Kathy’s X-Mas Carol 40
And so the X-Mas Carol winds down to a close: all evil cast into the pit, our heroes exhausted but victorious. Still, something remains to be said…but who will say it?
Zuggy and Kathy’s X-Mas Carol 39
Off with his head! Rooge takes a big weight off his shoulders as our heroes watch on with glee. Is this the final fate of the horrible humbug?