Amanda Gorman, The Typescript, and Big Houses
The ostensible cause was Kent’s Emily Post-Avant piece critiquing Amanda Gorman’s poem for the Biden inauguration, which an editor at The Typescript said was “antithetical to our values.” I’ve sometimes disagreed with Kent, both in private exchanges and on the pages of Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, but I see nothing particularly offensive about the Gorman column, with the possible exception of calling Lady Gaga a “narcissistic bitch.”
Emily Post-Avant: Replying to a Comrade and Sharing a Letter to Nathaniel Mackey on the Current Topic of Amanda Gorman
Emily gets a letter from a second-year at UC Berkeley… on Amanda Gorman.
Emily Post-Avant: On Amanda Gorman and Poetry’s Sudden Emergence as the Favorite Art Form of the Ruling Class
…this Inaugural Poem by youngster Gorman was really more like a litany of “soft-progressive porn”: Op-ed-style clichés, mostly, with some third-tier sonic correspondences laced together here and there, likely with help from