
for Adam and Patrick

Tomorrow, I will be a grave man,
For the songs that grave men sing
Do but thumb your feather lips
That trade only in lightness.

Tonight, I will say a good word
To the watchman and the rogue
Who walk with me anon
So you lay quietly.

Daybreak sings a morning song
And awaits the green reply:
Laugh with me! laugh with me!
It is another day.


Adam and Allie Elkhadem, Untitled linocut, 2020.

Erin Hagood

Erin Hagood is a poet, writer and musician based in New York City. She is a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society and a violinist for The Composer’s Forum. Her writing has appeared in the Platypus Review, Caesura and Mouse Magazine. 


Donald Judd: Crisis of the Aesthetic


Eight Poems